Mirror of Hathor: Kirkean Mirror Magic - Class I of III
Made Better By My Touch: The Role of Blessings in Kirkean Magic - Class I of IV
Solitary Secular Witch Power: Create Your Own Ring of Power - Class I of IV
Chasing the Black Pullet: On Dodgy Grimoires, Mythic Framing, and Magic Rings
Protection & Blessing Quartz with Candle Lighting and Prayer Service
Wild Medicine
The Treasury of Folklore
The Pre-Raphaelite Language of Flowers
The Pasta Tarot
The Happy Houseplant Deck
The Land in Our Bones
Jane Austen Tarot Deck
Hortus Curious
The D&D Tarot Deck
Conjuring the Spirit World
Sorceress Crystal Ball Lariat Necklace with Opalite
Sorcerer Sword Dangles
Ritual Dagger Dangle Earrings
Battle Axe Dangle Earrings with Carnelian
Electroform Skeleton Key Necklace with Faceted Rose Quartz