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This 90-minute class pursues magical and mundane paths for remediation and propitiation of Saturn, giving students the opportunity to develop a more functional relationship with the Greater Malefic, and providing various ceremonial and practical techniques for improving rapport, and earning favor.
*Planetary Charity, musical and literary works as prescription for understanding and appeasing Saturn, associated animals, minerals, and plants, and mundane remediations around wardrobe.
*Psychotherapeutic techniques and modalities useful for individuation, destruction of false ego, and reduction of melancholic tendencies.
*Theurgical devotion via the Hygromanteia, Picatrix, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, and Orphic Hymns, and more, for prayer.
*Solomonic Pentacles for necromantic and protective workings, and more baneful pursuits.
About the Presenter:
Sasha Ravitch is an Astrolater, Writer, and practitioner of Stellar Witchcraft. She guides her clients, mentees, and patrons through the dark forest of their nativity's fairytale, helping them understand the pacts they have with the Stars and Spirits in their court. You can journey with her through the Sea  of Stars and the Realms of Fairy via her Patreon and it's discord community, listen to her many podcast appearances, read her articles in The Mountain Astrologer Magazine, and purchase her new publication, The Red Dreaded Spindle: An Astrolater's Guide to the Stinger Stars of Scorpius. She can be reached at, or via


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Saturn Class V: Scythe Mind, with Sasha Ravitch


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