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Santo Niño de Atocha Retablo Patron for Travelers, Prisoners, and Illnesses of the Legs and Arms


This story arose in Zacatecas, Mexico about 1800, when the Christ Child was removed from the arms of Nuestra de Señora de Atocha and placed in a chair. In Northern New Mexico, in the village of Chimayo, there is a church in his name with dirt that is said to have curative powers. In the Spring there is a pilgrimage to Chimayo with hundreds of participants. It is said that the Niño wanders the fields and village at night, accomplishing good deeds. People lay shoes outside their doors for the Niño to wear as his old ones get worn out from all the good works.


"Infant of a thousand wonders, cast thy merciful look upon my troubled heart."


Measures - 1 1/2" x 3"

Santo Niño de Atocha-Travelers, Prisoners, Arms and Legs - Pocket Saint


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