San Jerome Retablo Patron of Librarians & Translators
As a young man in Rome pursuing classical studies he engaged in loose and secular behaviors. During a terrible illness he had a vision that opened him to God and Christianity. He went to live in the desert to do penance for his wild and loose ways as a youth. He was an avid scholar, translator and writer. He is best known for his translation of the Hebrew Bible into Latin, known as the Vulgate. Toward the end of his life he went to live with followers, in the very cave that Jesus was said to have been born in. In the Golden Legend, it is written that he pulled a thorn out of the paw of a lion who then stayed with him to protected him as he wrote and worked on his translations.
"Show me, O Lord, Your mercy, and delight my heart with it... Seek after me and bring me home again to your fold."
Measures - 1 1/2" x 2 3/4"
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