Archangel Gabriel Retablo 'Divine messenger of God' Patron of Childbirth, Communication, Postal Workers. Angel of Mercy, Truth, Inspiration, and Purification.
One of four Archangels here to watch over humanity. He appeared to both the Virgin Mary and to St. Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mother, to announce the holy birth of Jesus and John. He is said to be the trumpeter of The Last Judgement. He is the angel that revealed the Quran to Mohammed. He is recognized in all three Abrahamic faiths.
"Glorious Archangel Gabriel, you are white light streaming through a window, swiftly circling the room, sweeping fear and doubt away, filling my being with a startling profound sense of love. I am not alone. At this moment I can move forward unafraid, focused in my aspirations, dreams and creativity. I am able to begin all things new again."
Measures - 1 1/2" x 3"
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