Tea Magic: Cozy Spells in A Cup
The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook
The Way of Orisa: Empowering Your Life Through the Ancient African Religion Ifa
Ritual Baths: Be Your Own Healer
The Power of Mercury: Understanding Mercury Retrograde
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms & Practical Rituals
Botanical Shakespeare
Bohemian Magick
Mirror of Hathor: Kirkean Mirror Magic - Class I of III
Made Better By My Touch: The Role of Blessings in Kirkean Magic - Class I of IV
Solitary Secular Witch Power: Create Your Own Ring of Power - Class I of IV
Chasing the Black Pullet: On Dodgy Grimoires, Mythic Framing, and Magic Rings
Protection & Blessing Quartz with Candle Lighting and Prayer Service