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Flower essences are vibrational remedies that are safe methods of using chemically potent plants. Flower essences are made by infusing the energetic imprint of a flower into spring water. Brandy is added for preservation. The flower essence can be taken in water up to 3 times per day. Flower essences effect us on a subtle, mental, and emotionallevel. They are also a safe and effective way of connecting with plant spirits. 


Take 5-7 drops in water of tea up to 3 times daily.


Foxglove is one of the most powerful herbs for heart healing. Strenghtens the heart center, opens the heart & protects spirit workers from burnout. Use for self love and healing from negative emotional attachments. Helps balance the more intense baneful allies. 


30 ml

Brandy and distilled water


***This product is sold as a curio only, and any information is for educational purposes Coby Michael & Poisoner’s Apothecary, and The Cauldron Black are not responsible for misuse of this product. These statements have not been approved by the FDA, and per their requirement, this product is not intended for human consumption.

Foxglove Flower Essence


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