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Original Class Date: February 22nd, 2024


Beyond the specific astrological connotations of the Moon as merely the closest and fastest of the seven classical Wandering Stars of the planets, our cratered chalky satellite has provided countless folk magicians, wise-women, and local spiritworkers throughout the history of English magic a light in the darkness and a turning key to unlock the mysteries of the night...
In this class, we will undertake our own journey by night, pilgrimaging to a place of better understanding of the silvery blessings and banes of our dear Luna. Led by contemporary cunning-man and historian of magic Dr Alexander Cummins, this class will celebrate the wealth of moon-lore in traditional English folk magic, concentrating on the early modern days and ways of the folk magic practitioners referred to as cunning-folk.
We will discuss the folk magical rules-of-thumb governing waxing lore and waning lore, as well as the intricacies of timing by moon phase and indeed the day of the Moon that begins the working week. We will make detailed study of the wealth of information contained in the incredibly popular almanacs, pamphlets, and moon calendars of pre-modern England; detailing not only fundamental agricultural knowledge and folk ways, but also a range of practical techniques concerning medicine, history, philosophy, and of course folk magic. We will also consider the frightful portents thought to be presaged by the darkening crises of eclipses, as well as the Moon’s affinity for enchantment, witchcraft, and sorcery.
This class will then proceed to consider the use of Lunar pentacles and number squares (kamea) in operations ranging from treasure-hunting candle spells to the infamous curse-plate unearthed under a Lincoln’s Inn pub. We will furthermore investigate the popularity of Lunar Mansions and various attendant talismanic rings and images framed in their influence as evidenced in the working-books of many English cunning-folk.
We will finally consider – in appropriate depth and with celebratory reverence – the folk magic of moonlight itself: from various English practices of ‘turning’ money and broader works of unbewitching, to various Lunary elements attested in operations for blessing water, seeing spirits, consorting with fairies and the dead, and much much more.
About the Presenter:
Dr. Alexander Cummins (@grimoiresontape) is a  professional diviner, consultant sorcerer, &  historian of magic.  His work focuses on grimoires, divination, & folk necromancy. He co-hosts Radio Free Golgotha, & can be booked for talks, workshops, readings, coaching & consultation at His recorded classes can also be obtained from The Cauldron Black archives.
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A Watery Eye: The Moon in Traditional English Cunning-Craft with Dr Cummins

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