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In-person Cleansing Services with Dr Alexander Cummins

Fri, Oct 06



Dr Alexander Cummins & The Cauldron Black are delighted to announce a partnership to offer in-person cleansing services at our brick-and-mortar witch-shop in Salem, MA

In-person Cleansing Services with Dr Alexander Cummins
In-person Cleansing Services with Dr Alexander Cummins

Time & Location

Oct 06, 2023, 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Salem, 65 Wharf St, Salem, MA 01970, USA

About the event

*Please note - Proof of vaccination & masks are required for all in-person Spiritual Consultations & Services at The Cauldron Black

There  are many works of cleansing, purification, and healing done in most (if  not all) spiritual traditions. They can take many forms and serve many  purposes: from removing harmful curses to easing various life  transitions, and from general all-purpose renewal and revitalization to  helping clients heal their hearts of specific emotional as well as  spiritual wounds.

This  last form of cleansing – what is sometimes called heart-healing –  perhaps most clearly demonstrates the links understood by traditional  pre-modern magicians and healers between regulated emotional well-being  and the wider and deeper currents of spiritual development; what we  struggle with and learn from at the heart of our experiences to grow and learn from.

For  the past decade or so, Dr Alexander Cummins has helped numerous clients  to work on healing various heart-troubles – from the acute pains of  unexpected tragedy to the chronic maladies of familial trauma and  betrayal, and to move through loneliness and insecurity to connection,  reinvigoration, and self-belief. Through his professional practice as a  diviner and folk magician, he has come to be able to offer a range of  diagnostic evaluations and magical recommendations for grounded  practical workings to help members of our communities heal their hearts  and live more fully in the world as well as their spiritual practices.

And  so we are delighted to announce a partnership with The Cauldron Black  to offer in-person cleansing services at our brick-and-mortar witch-shop  in Salem, MA for showing as well as telling clients and students  how they can heal themselves (and their communities) and grow their  magical practices and their success in life. These cleansing services  offer folks a means to at least begin to deal with deep-seated issues as  well as supporting them to weather difficult present circumstances and  emotional difficulties.

These  sessions will take the form of an in-person session – usually lasting  around 45-60minutes – in which we will perform basic diagnostic divination  using the European Renaissance form of geomancy Dr Cummins has  practiced and taught for many many years, and perform a cleaning-off  operation which typically employs upon the healing virtues and spirits  of the Earthy Venusian geomantic figure of Amissio to draw out and cast  off what weighs down our hearts and our heads, and to help us let our  feelings – especially the difficult ones – pass through us and not spoil  or fester within us.

While no cleansing will ever do all the hard work of growing and healing for us,  they can offer significant aid and support in that journey. Magic and  spiritual healing exist not to prevent anything bad or sad from ever happening to us after all; but to help us weather, learn, and grow from such difficulties.

If  you are interested in booking a session – if you are looking for help  recovering from a bad break-up, support through a challenging emotional  time, or even for additional aid in casting off and healing from the  emotional impact of being targeted by a range of cursework, maleficia,  hexes, jinxes, and crossed conditions which you may be dealing with.

Select the day and time you would like to book this session from our ticket options listed here.  

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