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Saint Colette de Corbie Retablo Patronage: Women Wanting To Conceive, Expectant Mothers, Sick Children


She was a French abbess who reformed the "Poor Clares" returning them to the original Franciscan model of absolute poverty and austerity. During her life she founded 18 monasteries. She is said to have performed many miracles. Her parents were an elderly couple who prayed to conceive. Her mother was 60 when she gave birth to Colette. As a nun, Colette saved a woman in labor from death through prayer, brought a stillborn child to life and could multiply the amount of food and wine through prayer.


"Beloved St. Colette, miracle worker, I ask for your help in conceiving a child, may I have a healthy pregnancy and delivery and greet my child in joy."


Measures - 1 1/2" x 3"

Saint Colette de Corbie-Expectant Mothers & Sick Children-Retablo - Pocket Saint

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