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Lady of Protection


She protects infants, calms storms at sea, frees captives, and promotes fertility. Metal shackles shed by former prisoners are heaped in gratitude at her feet.

The original statue stands on a Druid stone once sacred to Sulivea, Goddess of the Alders, one of the many dolmens and menhirs sacred to this goddess, who is thought to be connected to Cybele.

The image is housed in the lady chapel of this fantastic French town literally built into the hillside.


Rocamadour was known as the site of worship of the triple Goddess Sulevea, Iduenna, and Minerva.

The Black Madonna is honored as a true Goddess figure, and has been since Christianity entered Europe. She is honored by many as Isis, Gaia, Kali, Mary, "the Other Mary" (Mary Magdalene), Diana, Sheela Na Gig, and the Ancient Primal Earth-Mother Goddess.


8 1/4" resin statue, handpainted.

Black Madonna of Rocamadour


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