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Diviners on Divining: Runes with Phillip English & Alexander van Beber

Fri, May 12


Online Zoom Event

Diviners on Divining: Runes with Phillip English & Alexander van Beber
Diviners on Divining: Runes with Phillip English & Alexander van Beber

Time & Location

May 12, 2023, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT

Online Zoom Event

About the event

Diviners On Divining is a monthly online class series hosted  by The Cauldron Black and presented and chaired by Dr Alexander Cummins  exploring the mysteries, minutiae, and mastery of divination with a  range of visiting guest diviners.

The Diviners On Divining series consists of twelve monthly  events across 2023 featuring a host of very special guest speakers  discussing various fundamental aspects of divination: from focused  exploration of particular systems and styles of oracular reading to  widely-applicable techniques, tips, and tricks of interpretation,  diagnosis, remediation, and enchantment for one’s personal and  professional divinatory practices.

We are proud to host a fantastic range of guest speakers with an  illuminating range of expertises for this series which welcomes conjure  doctors, folk healers, mediums, astrolators, cartomancers, rune readers,  witches, geomancers, candle-workers, and many other sorts of diviners  and workers. We are excited to invite you to this series of talks  celebrating the unfolding mysteries and practical wisdoms alike of  divination in its many many forms, functions, and fashions.

The divinatory dimensions of the rune reading traditions of Northern Europe have provided wisdom and advice for people across the world for generations. Whether recording historical events or extolling the poetry of the Eddas and sagas, the mysteries of these Germanic alphabets and weavings of Wyrd have offered countless seers and spiritworkers valuable insights and inspirations.

We are delighted to welcome runic diviners and teachers Phillip English and Alexander van Beber for the May edition of the Diviners on Divining series to discuss some of the most important historical as well as practical matters as relate to reading the runes.

We will discuss historical exemplars and instances of the procedures, ceremonies, and interpretation of rune casts of many shapes and sizes. Analysis of various source texts and contexts of runic cosmology and divinatory practices will provide consideration not only of meanings and messages of individual runes and furthark sets, but sources and methodologies for understanding deeper interactions and interrelations between runes and their spirits and spellcrafts.

We will also consider good (and bad!) techniques and approaches in developing personal relationships with Runic mysteries, celebrating the runes not as fixed pigeon-holed constructs, but as dynamic repositories of wisdoms.

About the Presenters:

Phillip English is a galdramaður and runic diviner. He's one of the founders of Catland books and currently offers divination and ritual services via His magical work focuses on developing contemporary runic magical and mystical practices grounded by historical source material.

Alexander VanBeber is a professional rune reader, teacher and public speaker. A proponent of an exegetical method of literary runology, Alex seeks to reshape runology, runosophy, and eddaic studies. In his writing and divination he draws upon historically contextual aphoristic associations from personal translations of the runic source materials, and medieval literary corpus. You can follow more of his work at Academie Gnostique, in New Orleans, where he teaches courses, and hosts a weekly online study group.

THIS CLASS IS ONLINE ONLY! The class link will be emailed to you in  your registration confirmation. The class recording link will be emailed  to you within 3-5 business days of the conclusion of the class and will  be available to you for 30 days after the conclusion of the class.

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This Agreement is between The Cauldron Black (“OWNER”); and the  Purchaser (“RECIPIENT”). WHEREAS, OWNER has developed through  substantial effort, research, time, and expense certain inventions,  design concepts, methodologies, technical know-how, copyrightable  material and trade secrets directed and related to this class.   (“INFORMATION”); WHEREAS, OWNER desires to disclose the INFORMATION on a  confidential basis to RECIPIENT.  The OWNER wishes to maintain the  confidentiality of the INFORMATION and the protection of OWNER'S  intellectual property rights. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the   mutual promises, covenants, and conditions contained herein, the  sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as  follows:  I. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION A. OWNER agrees to disclose   INFORMATION to RECIPIENT for the purposes of an online class.  B.  RECIPIENT agrees to receive such INFORMATION and to refrain from   copying, disclosing, using, selling, or offering for sale any and all  of said INFORMATION. RECIPIENT agrees to keep confidential and refrain  from disclosing any and all of the INFORMATION, and to take all  necessary and reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized disclosure or   use  of any and all of the INFORMATION.  Failure to uphold this NDA may  result in legal action.


  • Runes

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